Monday, July 21, 2008

Random Pictures

Ethan and Oliver love to take showers. Ethan just likes to lay down and Oliver likes to stand on him. They both laugh so hard.
This is the look Ethan gives me when I turn off the water and its time to get out.
This is Oliver after he gets out. he loves being clean and dry.
He loves getting into the oven mitts. He had on of them on and was waving but I didn't get the camera out in time.
This was last weekend and Tom's parents house. I took a great nap in the hammock. I could live in one of those. Moments before this picture Tom put Oli in the hammock and then Oliver flipped out and almost landed on his head. Tom was quick to catch him.


Linny said...

your children are hilarious

Graham said...

That is funny that Oli Stands on Ethan! Boys! they are so fun. I can't wait until Gavin is older.