Monday, March 2, 2009

Gel is not just for Girls!

So as a Hair Stylist I really want to do fun things with the boy's hair. (Not having a girl an all) But Ethan has been telling me that gel is for girls and he doesn't want any in his hair. So last week I tried to trick him and put some in anyway. He did not like it at all. So I figured that I would end the battle and not try again. So Yesterday he woke up with some pretty crazy hair, I asked him if I could spray it down with water so it wasn't so sleepy head looking. He says Mom I want to have my character hair today. Can we put gel in it? (his character hair is from him Mii) So I was all to happy that he actually asked for gel. So today he wanted it again.
I told them that all my dreams have come true because they let me style their hair.
Oli never has had a problem with the gel. But now that his brother has it he has to have it too.
This one one cool lookin dude.


Jellybean said...

I love it. Those are some pretty cute boys!
So cool!

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe how cute big they are getting. SO CUTE!
