Well if you have read any of my sisters blogs you know that we have been a busy bunch. First I drove down to Oregon with my Bro in law well he drove and Oliver screamed for 4 long hours. I stayed there and visited the family. Then I came home went to work came home from work, got on a plane and flew to Boise. Luckily I got there just in time and I got to spend a little time with my grampa. He wasn't doing well and they told us it wouldn't be long. Then the next morning I woke up to my moms phone call telling me he had passed away. I am just glad I got to hold his hand and have him squeeze me so tight. So after that we flew home for a few days and then I got back on a plane to go back for the funeral. Both brothers and all my sisters made it so it just made the whole trip that much better. While we were there we got to see Pompie and Donna. It was great to see them. Here is Oliver chillen on the floor.
This was taken the first weekend we were there. We were missing Shell and Winnie.
Me and
Pompie, Hes 89 and looks great.
Me and Lisa and Amelia. I just love that baby. I miss her so much. I hope I
don't have to wait 2 years to see them again. I miss them so much.