Thursday, July 3, 2008

When Lightening Strikes

So I pretty much had the scariest morning of my entire life. Me and my running partner/best friend/co-worker, Brenda went for our Thursday morning 4 mile run. Last night we had a bit of a lightening storm with some pretty wicked thunder but that was last night and early this morning. So we decided to still run (against my husbands wishes.) We made it about 2 1/2 miles and then the thunder came. It was pretty scary, and even scarier when the lightening came. So we were running pretty fast. All said and done and hour time was really good. So anyway when we were about to hit the last road crossing for our last 1/2 mile lightening struck about 6 feet from us. It hit a railroad crossing sign and sparks flew. I think I just broke the world record for high jump. It was so scary. So I turn to Brenda to be like oh @#$% and she is green. She says I got hit and she almost collapsed. I caught her before she hit the ground and started getting out my phone to call anyone and she kinda gets up and tells me shes fine lets just get back to the car. So we get back to the car after the scariest walk because it is now a monsoon and the lightening is so close. I took her to the Doctor and she is fine. But I think I am still in actual shock. So If you get anything out of this story NEVER GO RUNNING IN A THUNDER AND LIGHTENING STORM. We are just so lucky we are OK.


wendy_d23 said...

crazy! I am glad no one was hurt.

Linny said...

holy smokes i am glad she's ok! at least it's a cool story she can tell people later on.

Jellybean said...

Only Brenda! I hope she's okay!

NanaHess said...

still my favorite story of all time